Hello, my name is Madeline. I am 14, in the 8th grade and I am a passionate artist. I also live with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.
I grew up with an emotionally, verbally and sometimes physically abusive father. I developed my mental illnesses during this time after constantly walking on eggshells. Since I was 7, I remember having suicidal ideations to end it all.
My parents separated when I was 9 and were divorced when I was 10. Since then, my depression has come in and out of my life giving me the same ideas. Finally, when I was 12, I couldn’t take it any longer. I told my mom what was happening and she took me to a therapist right away. For 4 months I was put on medication but that didn’t help. My life was a mess, my family was falling apart, I didn’t know what to do.
After 2 hospitalizations, my medication was finally changed. I started to feel whole again and my depression got better. I found a school, PACE Center for Girls, and started getting help there with therapy and counseling along with academics. A year later, I look back, and see how far I’ve come.
Now I face my days through prayer, art, writing, and snuggling with my dog. I put my emotions and dangerous thoughts out on paper. I leave my body and everyone else alone. This year I am proud to say that I worked really hard at my art and nailed my interview at Douglas Anderson for visual arts during high school!
I’m not afraid to share my story and who I am. I hope my story encourages others to seek help and inspires them to fight in a constructive way. Remember, you don’t have to be an artist to paint, draw or use art as a coping skill. Thanks for reading!
So glad you can talk about it. Love you and you
Are a very good artist on the way to great!
xoxo Mama Jo
I’m very proud of you for letting God use you to help others. God has blessed you with an awesome talent. Your art is beautiful!
Love you
Ms Dawn