I Still Matter at One Spark

Guys…we did One Spark! Our Creator number was #21767 and even though it took a lot out of all the volunteers, it was one of the best experiences we’ve ever had. We met so many awesome people that were encouraging and supportive of what I Still Matter is trying to do in our community. You can see the results here. Out of 555 creators we were in the top 50 of votes in all categories!


We had an interactive puzzle at our table that turned out REALLY AWESOME once we put it together! You can view the 36 video on the I Still Matter YouTube page here.

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We had awesome volunteers!unnamed-4People were asked to write a feeling or emotion they’ve had over the past few days on the back of the puzzle. The front represents the emotion. unnamed-7Our volunteers stepped out into the crowd to talk to people about our project.IMG_1485 IMG_1475 IMG_1471 IMG_1468 IMG_1467 IMG_1465 IMG_1457 IMG_1453 IMG_1449 IMG_1447 IMG_1444 IMG_1439 IMG_1435 IMG_1429Local author, Theresa Larson, believes in what I Still Matter is doing and came to volunteer at our booth. To read more about her story click hereIMG_1424 IMG_1418 IMG_1408 IMG_1414 IMG_1413 IMG_1401 IMG_1420 IMG_1412 IMG_1411 IMG_1404 unnamed-6 One Spark SlideshowWow! The final puzzle is over 400 pieces. 11059463_1366562396817017_4030895864549960666_n 11133794_1366562336817023_3057685115899436140_nPuzzles