Day one of our Teen Art Group!

Day one of our Teen Art Group!

We had an awesome group last night! It was our first ALL TEEN group! There was a great turnout and we had a lot of fun. The first project for our group is an exploration into self. Each participant filled out a “mood flower” before and after group. Here is an example of one girl’s […]

How I use art to cope with loss

How I use art to cope with loss

Art is healing. It allows you to express yourself without judgement and it’s a safe way to let out strong emotions. When I decided to create this piece I had no idea what to expect. I used a smaller canvas because it’s all I had. I wanted to explore some different textures this time so I […]

Good Gal contest will be on First Coast Living!

Good Gal contest will be on First Coast Living!

If you live in Jacksonville you’ve probably seen this logo around… It belongs to Client Focused Media (CFM), otherwise known as the people who bring us BUZZ magazine. Today we received word that CFM and Mike Davidson Ford will be speaking about the iVotetoGive contest on First Coast Living tomorrow, including those of us who are in the […]