The Color of Success

The Color of Success

It’s been about a year since we participated in One Spark. We made a lot of connections during the 5 day festival. One Spark gave us the courage to grow and helped validate the idea of bringing art groups to those living with mental illness in Jacksonville. One Spark was challenging. The five 11-hour day […]

DIY Planters | By: Lauren Avalos

DIY Planters | By: Lauren Avalos

I hope this post finds you feeling inspired and ready to paint! This is a rather quick do-it-yourself planter project and can be done for under $11. I wanted to have plants in my home that didn’t require much maintenance, so I went with cactuses and succulents. I bought them at Home Depot for about […]

Will This Last? Acute vs Chronic Mental Health

Will This Last? Acute vs Chronic Mental Health

By: Megan Neilsen, LCSW Throughout our lives, we all experience trials, tribulations, stress, loss, grief, trauma, and hardship. There is not a person walking this Earth that cannot name a difficult time or phase in their life. When posed the question, “What was the worst day of your life?”, most people can recount a day […]

How I use art to cope with loss

How I use art to cope with loss

Art is healing. It allows you to express yourself without judgement and it’s a safe way to let out strong emotions. When I decided to create this piece I had no idea what to expect. I used a smaller canvas because it’s all I had. I wanted to explore some different textures this time so I […]