The Color of Success

The Color of Success

It’s been about a year since we participated in One Spark. We made a lot of connections during the 5 day festival. One Spark gave us the courage to grow and helped validate the idea of bringing art groups to those living with mental illness in Jacksonville. One Spark was challenging. The five 11-hour day […]

The Ferris Bueller Theory

The Ferris Bueller Theory

The Ferris Bueller Theory: Making the most out of life despite our struggles To my fellow people struggling with mental illness: don’t wait to be happy. I was covering a college graduation for my job a few days ago (I’m a reporter) and I looked around at all the graduates. Their smiling, hopeful faces brought […]

Motherhood and Mental Illness

Motherhood and Mental Illness

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a mom. I was always the mom when my friends and I played house. I remember asking for and receiving a baby doll for many Christmases, even my tenth when my obsession with motherhood outweighed even my growing passion for soccer. I felt […]

Meet the Artist: Tamara Elizabeth

Meet the Artist: Tamara Elizabeth

In this “Meet the Artist” blog series we want to showcase some of the artists whose work is featured in our coloring book. The artist featured in this post is Tamara Elizabeth. When the folks at I Still Matter had the idea to create coloring book we knew we wanted it to be a collaborative […]