Day one of our Teen Art Group!

Day one of our Teen Art Group!

We had an awesome group last night! It was our first ALL TEEN group! There was a great turnout and we had a lot of fun. The first project for our group is an exploration into self. Each participant filled out a “mood flower” before and after group. Here is an example of one girl’s […]

The Art of Coping by Megan Nielsen, LCSW

The Art of Coping by Megan Nielsen, LCSW

Written by: Megan S. Nielsen, Licensed Clinical Social Worker We all know the age old saying, “follow your gut”. Mothers, teachers, mentors say it to people in distress as if it is supposed to send us down the “right path” full of enlightenment and clear answers. When you listen to your gut, you can never […]

Therapist shares her reactions to client suicide

Therapist shares her reactions to client suicide

Have you ever worked for years at accomplishing something and tasted the sweet fruits of your labor? Things are going swimmingly and you have finally reached your destination. You feel good. You’re in the right place at the right time and everything is falling in line. You are living your passion and you grow more […]