Can I Drink and Take My Medication?

Can I Drink and Take My Medication?

By: Adria Pratt-Forte, LMHC The holidays are here and, let’s face it, they can be stressful for the happiest of folk.  The change in seasons can bring on, or enhance, bouts of depression and anxiety.  If the thought of getting dressed up for a holiday party is causing you to hide in your office with […]

How I use art to cope with loss

How I use art to cope with loss

Art is healing. It allows you to express yourself without judgement and it’s a safe way to let out strong emotions. When I decided to create this piece I had no idea what to expect. I used a smaller canvas because it’s all I had. I wanted to explore some different textures this time so I […]

Therapist shares her reactions to client suicide

Therapist shares her reactions to client suicide

Have you ever worked for years at accomplishing something and tasted the sweet fruits of your labor? Things are going swimmingly and you have finally reached your destination. You feel good. You’re in the right place at the right time and everything is falling in line. You are living your passion and you grow more […]