I Still Matter Receives MHA’s Ripple Effect Award!

I Still Matter Receives MHA’s Ripple Effect Award!

Hi friends, It is with great honor I share with you today that we were selected as the Innovation/Program of the Year Award recipient for the Ripple Effect:  Northeast Florida Mental Health Awards, presented by Mental Health America of Northeast Florida. This award recognizes a program that has demonstrated creativity in addressing mental illness.  We were nominated […]

The Aftermath of Suicide

The Aftermath of Suicide

The last time I saw my father, I was boarding a train. I took the Amtrak route from his city to my mother’s city an hour north, every other weekend. This is what custody battles do. Twenty-two years later, the memory of our last moment together is as hazy as day tamped down by the […]

The Color of Success

The Color of Success

It’s been about a year since we participated in One Spark. We made a lot of connections during the 5 day festival. One Spark gave us the courage to grow and helped validate the idea of bringing art groups to those living with mental illness in Jacksonville. One Spark was challenging. The five 11-hour day […]

“Circles of Hope” group @UNF

“Circles of Hope” group @UNF

We’ve been working on our Circles of Hope art project for Cross Lake for about a month. Each circle takes from 10-15 minutes, depending on the detail. Around 45 people have taken part in the project and we currently have 145 completed circles! That’s around 29 total hours some committed individuals have invested in this […]